Closing Date – 2016-December-23
- Post of Chief Security Officer – Grade II (University of Jaffna)
- Post of Marshal, Grade II (Vavuniya Campus)
- Public Health Inspector, Grade III (University of Jaffna)
- Care Taker Cum Repairer, Grade II – Dancing Instruments (University of Jaffna)
- Care Taker Cum Repairer, Grade II – Music Instruments (University of Jaffna)
- Mechanic, Grade II (Faculty of Technology, Kilinochchi Premises)
- Curator Landscape, Grade III (University of Jaffna, Vavuniya Campus)
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Instructions to Candidates
Application should be made on the forms available in the office of the Senior Assistant Registrar/ Establishments (Non-Academic) of this University on payment of Rs.100/- for each application form at the Shroff’s counter of this University or the forms available in the University website ( annex with the Money Order/ Postal Order to the value of Rs.100/-. Those whc wish to obtain the forms by post should send a Money Order/ Postal Order to the value of Rs.100/- in the name of the Bursar, University of Jaffna, together with a self-addressed Rs.10.00 stamped envelope of 23X10cm. in size. Only Applications sent on the specified form will be accepted. (Please annex copies of relevant documents) Duly completed application should be sent under registered cover to reach the Senior Assistant Registrar/ Establishments Branch (Non Academic), University of Jaffna, Thirunelvely Jaffna on or before 23.12.2016. Applicants from Government Departments/ State Corporations/ Statutory Bodies should forward their applications through their respective Heads of Departments/ Corporations/Boards. Applications received after the closing date and illegible and incomplete applications will be rejected without intimation.
University of Jaffna.
Source – Daily News (2016.11.17)